How To Wash Icebreaker Socks?

Icebreaker socks are known for their sustainability and good quality. To maintain the good quality of your socks, you should provide proper wash care to preserve its capacity by wicking away the moisture from your skin and preventing it from shrinking and distorting. It is essential that you know to care for your socks to prolong their use and longevity.

Though Icebreaker socks are durable and have an excellent knitting quality, they may wear out once you don’t know how to wash your socks properly using the proper technique and detergent.

In washing your Icebreaker socks, you need to turn them inside out to clean the dirt that hides in cushions thoroughly. Also, you need to use cold or warm water and avoid hot water as it may cause the socks to shrink. In washing, avoid using bleach and harsh detergents. In drying, avoid exposing it to direct heat.

The overall performance of the socks is affected by how you wash them since too much usage of harsh detergents will damage the sock fiber. When the sock fibers are damaged, their natural capacity to wick away the moisture will deteriorate, resulting in sagging and wearing out. That is why proper wash care must not be taken for granted. To be fully informed, I have gathered details for you to read below.

Steps on How to Wash Your Icebreaker Merino Socks

Step 1 Turn your Icebreaker Socks Inside Out

In washing your Icebreaker socks, you need to turn them first inside out. That is important if you want thorough cleaning. As you might have observed, some socks have a cushion inside them, making the dirt stuck in them. To remove them in washing, turning your socks inside out is essential.

Step 2 Use Cold or Warm Water

To avoid sock shrinking, you need to use warm or cold waters in washing your Icebreaker socks. Hot water may cause shrinking or distortion to socks, leaving them damaged. Hot water will weaken the sock fibers, destroying the natural capacity of your socks from providing good foot insulation, and will eventually result in sagging. 

Step 3 Avoid Using Bleach or Strong Detergents

Using bleach can result in permanent damage to socks due to its harsh chemicals. In washing, you must use mild soap or detergents only. Strong detergents will weaken the sock fibers or may damage them. It will then destroy its capacity to wick away the moisture from your skin naturally, and it will sag and won’t provide a good fit.

Step 4 Air Dry on Low Setting

The best way to dry the socks is by laying them flat and letting them dry in the air. However, if you don’t have enough time or you are in a hurry, you can use air dry. You need to set it on a low setting since more heat may distort, reshape and shrink the socks. One of the best alternatives in drying socks is by line drying it and if you are on a hike, hang them on your back as they will dry in the air as you walk.

Are Icebreaker Socks Machine Washable?

Icebreaker socks are machine washable. However, it is essential that you need to be cautious in machine washing your socks to prolong their usage. Though Icebreaker merino socks are durable, you need to wash in a gentle cycle and at the lowest temperature setting. You need to use cold or warm water and avoid harsh detergents. 

Consider following the machine wash guide attached to the socks as you wash the Icebreaker socks in a washing machine. Though machine wash is much easier, it is best to hand wash it as Icebreaker merino socks do not hold too much dirt, and they can be used multiple times without having a stinky smell. To help reduce the impact on the environment, you can hand wash it. Not only can you save energy, but you are also going in line with the aim of Icebreaker in promoting sustainability. 

How To Dry Icebreaker Socks?

Drying your Icebreaker socks can be done in many ways based on your preference and available resources. However, it would help to consider which one will prolong and keep your socks in good shape. You can line dry your socks, dry them in a rack, air dry them, lay them on rocks, or hang them in your bag if you are hiking. 

Line Dying Your Socks

One of the best ways of drying your socks is by line drying them. Line drying them is environment friendly since you are saving energy by letting the environment do the natural process of drying your socks. Your Icebreaker merino socks will dry quickly when lined dried, making line-drying a great low-energy alternative to the dryer. 

Dry Socks in a Rack

After washing your Icebreaker socks, drying them in the air is one of the safest drying ways. If you lay them flat in a rack as it dries, you are not only saving energy, but you are also keeping your socks in shape. You can dry your socks in a rack for about 3-4 hours. However, the time for it to dry still depends on how cushioned your socks are. If it is fully cushioned, you might need to be a little patient as it may dry longer. 

Air Dry

If you are in a hurry and want to dry your socks in no time, you can prefer drying them in a drying machine. Just make sure that you set it in a low setting as intense heat damages the socks. It may result in shrinking or distortion. Set the drying machine at the lowest temperature and the lowest tumble speed. You can set it on a delicate or low heat setting if you have an automatic drying machine. 

Lay Your Socks on Rock

If you are mountain climbing and your socks get wet or wash them near a river or lake, you can dry them on rocks. Drying your socks on rocks will keep them in shape instead of hanging them. These are one of the alternatives; especially if you run out of resources where to dry your socks.

How To Take Care of Icebreaker Socks?

Caring for your Icebreaker socks requires correct washing, drying, and storing. Inappropriate care for your socks may result in damaging them or losing their shape. You must know the proper ways of caring for it to prolong your sock usage.

Wash Care

In washing socks in a washing machine, use the usual warm or cool wash cycle. You need to use warm or cold water as socks may deform in hot waters. You can use mild powder or liquid detergent and avoid using bleach as it permanently destroys socks. You also need to separate the light, dark or colored ones to avoid mixing. Avoid using fabric softener as it will coat the fibers or the socks, ruining its natural benefits. If washing in a washing machine set it on a gentle cycle only.

Dry Care

In drying your socks, avoid exposing them to direct heat as it may ruin the sock fibers. You can dry it in a rack, line dry it, or air dry it. In air drying, set the drying machine on a low setting. The best way of drying your socks is by letting them dry in the air. Not only is it environmentally friendly, but you can also save more energy. 

Store Care

In storing your socks, make sure that it is completely dry to prevent them from developing a foul smell. Keep your socks dry and clean to help prevent odor, stains, build-up of dirt. Avoid hanging your socks; fold them flat to maintain their shape. 

Do Icebreaker Socks Go In The Dryer?

You can dry your Icebreaker socks on a dryer. Turn it inside out, set the drying machine on low setting. Avoid exposing your socks to more heat as it makes the sock shrink or destroys its fiber, ruining the natural benefits of your Icebreaker merino socks. Still, the best way of drying socks is drying it on air or drying it in a rack.


Washing your Icebreaker socks must not be taken for granted. Wash care is one of the essential factors in prolonging the usage of your socks. Using harsh detergents, bleach, and fabric softeners may ruin the sock fibers, ruining the natural benefits of merino wool in the socks.

Avoid exposing Icebreaker socks to direct heat when drying your socks as it may distort or shrink your socks. Also, avoid hanging it as the socks may lose their shape. When storing the socks, make sure that your socks are completely dry to prevent the socks from developing a smell. 

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